We know that our parents and carers will support us in respecting our neighbours when they visit our school. Parking close to school is very difficult so if you are able to walk for pick ups and collections that would be most helpful. If you do need to drive if you can please park considerately to ensure our neighbours can access their homes and that pedestrians can still safely cross the road.
We know that the internet is a brilliant tool for things like talking to friends, finding information out for school topics or playing games.
It is really important that you know how to look after yourself when you are online and that you know about any dangers there may be too and what to do if you find something that is not suitable for you.
At school, we teach you about e safety in ICT lessons but you can use this link to find out more!
Has someone done something online that has made you or a child or young person you know, feel worried or unsafe?
e-Safety Policy
You can find out more about our approach to e-Safety but viewing or downloading out e-Safety Policy in the School Polices section of our website.