Instrumental Music at St Mary’s
‘Music has a power of forming the character and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young’
What The Importance of Music means for us…
- We recognize the important role that music plays in children’s academic and social development and in improving the ethos of the school.
- We draw on music education hubs and peripatetic teachers to fulfil our responsibility for delivering the music curriculum.
- We have examined our school’s music curriculum to ensure that the needs of different groups of pupils are addressed.
- We are ready to work closely with private providers and the LA in our area to identify pupil and school needs in music education, and establish how our school and hub can work together to meet these.
- We employ suitably trained teachers to ensure that all music in school is of a high standard.
- All children in Year 2 have whole class violin lessons once a week.
- All KS2 children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. They can choose from woodwind, brass, drums, strings, guitars or keyboard.
- Children in Y4 – Y6 are invited to audition for the school choir who have sang at a wide variety of venues including ‘The Royal Albert Hall’.
- Staff in school also enjoys singing together and performing for the children at Christmas.